
From The Highlands Forum
Revision as of 16:56, 4 February 2023 by Woody (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Leaders from industry, institutions and professional fields have participated in the Highlands Forum. Below is a small representative sampling: ==== Industry ==== Intel IBM GTE AOL SUN eBay Cisco Apple FedEx AT&T PayPal Google Boeing Forterra XEROX In-Q-Tel Dust, Inc. Microsoft Salesforce Affymetrix ESI Design Walt Disney Sxip Identity BEA Systems Applied Minds Mesh Networks O'Reilly Media Goldman Sachs Charles Schwab Hewlett Packard MGM MIRAGE Groove Networks EDvent...")
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Leaders from industry, institutions and professional fields have participated in the Highlands Forum. Below is a small representative sampling:


Intel IBM GTE AOL SUN eBay Cisco Apple FedEx AT&T PayPal Google Boeing Forterra XEROX In-Q-Tel Dust, Inc. Microsoft Salesforce Affymetrix ESI Design Walt Disney Sxip Identity BEA Systems Applied Minds Mesh Networks O'Reilly Media Goldman Sachs Charles Schwab Hewlett Packard MGM MIRAGE Groove Networks EDventure Holdings Rolls Royce Aerospace World Space Corporation Linden Lab (Second Life) Human Genome Sciences, Inc.


The White House Library of Congress Department of State Joint Chiefs of Staff Department of State Department of Energy Department of Defense House of Representatives Department of Commerce National Economic Council National Reconnaissance Office Federal Communications Commission Ministry of Defence, Government of Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Japan United States Agency for International Development


SRI Sarnoff Bell Labs The National Laboratories


BBC Al-Hayat Internews The New Yorker Beirut Daily Star WIRED Magazine The Washington Post The New York Times The Wall Street Journal United Press International International Herald Tribune


Yale Rice Brown Cornell Harvard Stanford Michigan Princeton Columbia Pennsylvania George Mason Arizona State University University of New Mexico National Defense University University of Southern California California Institute of Technology University of California at Berkeley Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Institutes, Think Tanks, and Foundations

RAND Brookings Santa Fe Institute Institute for the Future The Biodesign Institute The Markle Foundation American Bar Association Alliance for Peacebuilding Search for Common Ground United States Institute of Peace Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study Instituto per la Riconstruzione Industriale Cambridge Energy Research Associates Institute for Defence and Security Studies Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Other Fields

Law Film Medicine Architecture